How to keep your skin healthy in the wintertime – As we all know that the wintertime is not great for our skin. When we are spending a lot of time in a space where is central heating work all the time, that is definitely not very natural for our body. Also, the cold weather and the wind outside is not perfect for our skin too.
In the next few steps, we will explain how you can treat your skin and make it always healthy and hydrate, and why this is crucial in everyday routine for your skin.
How to keep your skin healthy – Exfoliation
Very gentle exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells, which can often be a source of irritation. This is important for any type of skin (oily, dry, normal). Exfoliation helps replenish the skin. Dead cells, especially in wintertime, change the cold air outside and dry air inside. This process is the best to do in the evening before sleep, when your skin can regenerate during the night.
Add more moisturizing
Adding a moisturizer to the regular amount you use is more than desirable. Any skin type you have, during the winter days and in winter conditions, this is recommended. In this way, you hydrate the skin and keep its elasticity. This is especially important if you use makeup and foundation often. This is an essential part of the skincare process.
How to keep your skin healthy – Using makeup is recommended
During winter days, we recommend that you use makeup because it protects the skin from the wind, and thus you can notice the difference on your face when you use makeup and when you do not use it. During the winter days, the facial skin is drier if makeup is not used. We suggest a lighter liquid foundation but with good coverage.
Wear gloves
Winter and cold weather expose your hands, just as they do your face. No matter how much you protect them in your pockets, the cold reaches and does the same as on your face. You will best protect them by wearing gloves and always have a little hand moisturizer with you. This will maintain the hydration of your hands, where your care is as visible as on your face.

How to keep your skin healthy – Humidifier
Using this fantastic thing in the space where you spend a lot of time, you will make the air more humid. This will help keep your skin less dry, and the air will be fresher, and you will have better conditions for your skin.
During the wintertime we all like more to have a hot bath, to make yourself warmer. This way is not recommended for the skin. Maybe we enjoy more, but try to make nice and enough worm bath to feel comfortable with, but not very hot. In this way, the skin will keep hydrated, and you will have nice and not dry skin after the bath. Of course, always use the opportunity to moisturize your body skin after every shower or using a bath.
How to keep your skin healthy – Moisturizer your feet
It would help if you never forgot for this part of the body, especially in wintertime. Add some special foot creams to your daily routine and make your feel soft and healthy. Try to find some cream with glycerin in their ingredients, and it will keep tough skin moist and supple. In this way, you should be able to stop cracking your heels.
Drink water
Of course, this is the most crucial thing anytime. In the summertime or wintertime, drinking water is always a must-do thing in everyday life. Keep hydrated your skin even if you don’t feel that you need water. Some people have an application to remind them to drink water, and it can be beneficial because we forget about it sometimes.